Tag Archives: Sale

Limetree Bay: Messy Auction Process Generates Increased Recoveries

Can messy be good?  Sometimes the answer is yes.  The chapter 11 case filed by Limetree Bay Services, LLC and five of its affiliates (“Limetree Bay”) is one example of auction disorder actually bringing increased creditor recoveries. Bankruptcy professionals, financially distressed companies and acquirers of distressed assets can learn valuable lessons from this odd bankruptcy … Continue Reading

Bankruptcy Judge Rules Ignition Switch Plaintiffs Cannot Un-bake GM’s Cake

As we previewed last week, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recently handed General Motors (“New GM”) an enormous victory that may end up shielding the company from up to $10 billion in successor liability claims. The court’s ruling also bolsters the power and importance of sale orders entered under … Continue Reading