Tag Archives: sole director

I have the power – UK court confirms the ability of sole directors to make decisions

Following the decisions in Fore Fitness and Active Wear – where the court examined the validity of decisions made by a sole director of a company that operated wholly or partly under the Model Articles[1]– the position was not entirely settled. In the context of administration appointments where the validity of an appointment rests on … Continue Reading

Re Active Wear – A Reversal on a Sole Director’s Ability to Appoint Administrators?

In the recent case of Re Active Wear Limited (in administration), the High Court ruled that the purported out-of-court administration appointment by a sole director of a company with unmodified model articles, was valid notwithstanding the earlier High Court decision in Re Fore Fitness Investments Holdings Ltd [2022] EWHC 191 (Ch). We have set out … Continue Reading