Our most recently updated guide includes updates for the UK, UAE, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy.
In brief, the updates include:
- Updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), Statutory Sick Pay (SPP) and VAT deferral scheme.
United Arab Emirates
- An extension to the TESS scheme
- Updates on Bridging Aid available to small and medium-sized companies, and applications for extraordinary financial and hardship assistance applications
- AID for Vaccine Glass Production
Czech Republic
- Changes to applications for Programme COVID-2021
- Updates on the SACE S.p.A. (the Italian Export Credit agency) being authorised to grant a public guarantee in favour of financial institutions (national or international) that provide loans to companies.
- The Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises measurers have been updated and are now available until December 2021.
- Additional guarantee fund for portfolios of medium-long term financing to SMEs for research and development projects and investment programs are now available.
- The Pool of Business Assets allocated exclusively to support the Italian productive system by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) will be available soon.
- A Fund for the support of shutdown economic activities has been ordered.
- Increases to the endowment of the fund for the support of internationalization and the endowment of the revolving fund
- Updates to the sanitation purpose and inventory tax credit
- Updates to the Tax exemption from Local Municipal Tax (IMU) for tourism sector.
- Update to the Financial support to large companies for 2021.