Our most recently updated guide includes updates for the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
In brief, the updates include:
- Updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) including that claims for furlough days in August 2021 must be made by 14 September 2021.
- Updates to temporary extension to carry back of trading losses outlining the de minimis aspect which must be considered when applying.
- Updates to the Temporary reduced rate of VAT for hospitality, holiday accommodation and attractions relating to application considerations.
- Updates to the Business Rates Relief Fund including confirmation that it will be available once the MCC legislation has passed and local authorities have set up local relief schemes.
- Update to the Exceptional state guarantee for funding operations by way of assignment of receivables support scheme that the guarantee shall be called no later than 30 September 2022.
- Update that the Measures aimed at supporting the Italian production system’s internationalisation facility is not currently available.
- Update that the Moratorium on banks calling default has expired.
- Updates to the Financial support for fashion and textile industry regarding the application procedure.
- Updates to the Financial support to large companies.
- Updates to the Bridging aid in the amount of up to €25 billion for small and medium-sized companies with further detail added for Start-Up Aid Plus.
- Updates to the EPR Special Funding up to €2 billion programme regarding the scope of what the help entails.
Czech Republic
- The programme COVID-Uncovered Costs maximum amount of subsidy eligibility criteria has changed.
- Update that the Deferral of installments payments scheme expired as of 1 July 2021.
- Update that the SIH Anti-Corona Capital to Support Innovation-Focused Companies Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic scheme application had to be submitted by May 19, 2021.
- Updates to the social benefits for persons in quarantine or isolation scheme.
- Updates to the Subsidy for local tourism.