Tag Archives: Australia

Examination and Prosecution Risks Will Increase for Australian Directors and Third Parties Amid the Economic Uncertainty

For the past year, many Australian businesses, ranging from very significant publicly listed corporations, to much smaller family businesses, have benefited from public and private relief measures intended to soften the impact of COVID-19. Although those measures were introduced as a direct result of pandemic-related concerns, the economic reality in many sectors was already uncertain … Continue Reading

How could COVID-19 contaminate the financing arrangements of Australian businesses?

Australian businesses are facing unprecedented challenges as the consequences of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic unfold. At this difficult time, it is critical to take measures to ensure that your business has sufficient working capital for at least three to six months and the risk of being required to repay or restructure your existing … Continue Reading

‘Safe Harbour’ For Insolvent Trading: Australian Reforms Encourage Business Activity

In December 2015, as part of its National Innovation and Science Agenda, the Federal Government announced a proposal to introduce a ‘safe harbour’ for directors from personal liability for insolvent trading. The proposal seeks to address Australia’s insolvent trading laws, which are significantly stricter than comparable laws in the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. The … Continue Reading

Australian Full Federal Court Recognises Market-Based Causation

A landmark decision of the Australian Full Federal Court will allow the Applicants to plead market-based causation for claims for misstatements and omissions in an IPO and short form prospectus and for misleading and deceptive conduct claims in respect of various audited financial statements issued by the company Arasor International Limited (“Arasor”). The Court upheld the appeal … Continue Reading