Tag Archives: avoidance action

Insolvencies in Germany – New Avoidance Law in Force

On 5 April 2017, an amendment to the German Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung – “InsO”) has come into force which provides for various changes to the avoidance rules and clawback laws in German insolvency proceedings. The major change affects the right of an insolvency administrator to challenge transactions for willful disadvantage (§ 133 InsO).… Continue Reading

Quantum Foods – – Administrative Expense Claims as an Avoidance Offset.

Judge Carey in the District of Delaware recently ruled on an intriguing question—can a defendant in a preference action reduce the amount of a recoverable preference by setting off the value of an allowed administrative expense claim? Though not late-breaking news, this case provides a thorough examination of the essential character of administrative expense claims.… Continue Reading