Tag Archives: cross class cram down

(UK) Timing, disclosure and fairness: lessons from the Adler judgment

On 23 January 2024, the Court of Appeal handed down its much anticipated judgment[1] on the appeal of the Adler restructuring plan pursuant to Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006 (“RP”), which was sanctioned by the High Court on 12 April 2023[2], with judgment setting out the reasoning for that decision handed down on … Continue Reading

(UK) The Gloves are off for HMRC: What did we learn from the Great Annual Savings Sanction Hearing?

Yesterday saw the end of a three-day sanction hearing for the restructuring plan (the “Plan”) of the Great Annual Savings (GAS) company, with Justice Adam Johnson reserving his judgment and importantly, his decision on whether to exercise cross-class-cram-down to sanction the Plan for a later date. As we discussed in our recent blog, the Plan … Continue Reading