Tag Archives: distressed M&A

Distressed M&A Deals in Poland

The post-pandemic anxiety on the European markets was largely due to the anticipated wave of bankruptcies. High interest rates, surging energy prices and out-of-control inflation took their toll on many European businesses. Although the doomsday scenario did not come to pass, we have been seeing increasingly more restructurings and insolvencies. The Polish market is no … Continue Reading

Latest Market Guidance on the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (“NSIA”) is not particularly comforting to UK restructuring professionals

The NSIA is aimed at safeguarding national security and only applies to certain transactions occurring within certain sectors where national security might be threatened.  There are 17 sectors in total, including energy, transport, and communications.   Depending on the transaction, the NSIA may require a purchaser to notify the Secretary of State of an acquisition to … Continue Reading