Tag Archives: insolvency practitioner

Recovering costs for dealing with fixed charge assets – lessons for practitioners and security holders (UK)

The decision handed down in Pagden and another v Ridgley [2024] EWCH 3047 (Ch) is a helpful clarification on whether agreed costs and expenses incurred by an office-holder in the context of dealing with assets which are subject to a fixed charge in an administration or liquidation, are capable of subsequent challenge under rule 18.34 … Continue Reading

Comparison of Directors’ Duties Across Europe

This article, that was recently published in INSOL, provides a comparison of directors’ duties between several European jurisdictions –  England and Wales, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It explores the role of directors and their general duties and obligations in a going concern scenario and examines how those duties might change … Continue Reading

(UK) Litigation Funding in Insolvency – Where Does PACAAR leave us?

Although a non-insolvency case the recent case of PACCAR Inc & Ors v Competition Appeal Tribunal & Ors (“PACCAR”) has caused waves in the litigation market (including insolvency litigation market) following the Supreme Court finding that litigation funding agreements (LFAs) where funders recover a percentage of the amount awarded to a claimant are damaged based … Continue Reading

Expected Changes to the UK Corporate Moratorium

The three year review of CIGA (the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act) published by the Insolvency Service suggests that we might see changes to the corporate moratorium process – will these address concerns about the process and encourage more insolvency practitioners to recommend its use? The moratorium aims to protect companies from enforcement action to … Continue Reading

Can UK Administrators Apply For Conditional Discharge of Liability?

The court has recently confirmed that it does have jurisdiction to grant administrators a conditional discharge of liability but decided not to do so in the case of Re Central Properties Holdings Ltd (in administration) [2023].  In this blog we consider why the court refused to make that order and whether there are any circumstances … Continue Reading

New Look and Regis from a UK Insolvency Practitioner’s Perspective

In our second alert in the series we consider the key takeaways for UK insolvency practitioners following the CVA challenges in New Look and Regis.  Our alert considers the following: Nominee’s duties Risks to fees Disclosure requirements Discounts and formulas for calculating landlord claims for voting purposes; and The shape of post-pandemic CVAs To read … Continue Reading

UK FAQs: Furloughing and Administration – Key Considerations for Administrators

It is not entirely clear how the UK Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme operates in line with current UK insolvency legislation, although it is clear that administrators can use the scheme and furlough employees. We have produced an alert that answers some of the key questions for administrators looking at whether employees should be furloughed or … Continue Reading

Q&A: Regulatory requirements for UK Insolvency Practitioners during COVID-19

COVID-19 is placing unprecedented strain on all businesses, and insolvency practitioner (“IP”) practices are no exception. Government-imposed restrictions on activities and movement will have a direct impact on the ability to carry on business as usual. There may be fewer employees available (through illness, self-isolation and furloughing), strain placed on remote working capabilities and a … Continue Reading

Q&A: How should UK Insolvency Practitioners deal with active cases during COVID-19?

COVID-19 and Government-imposed restrictions are placing an unprecedented strain on everyone and businesses and individuals may be facing extreme financial pressure. COVID-19 is impacting businesses throughout the supply chain in most, if not all, sectors. This may mean that clients and debtors are unable to meet their obligations and there may need to be changes … Continue Reading

Cryptocurrencies: practical considerations in insolvencies

In a recent report by INSOL International, only 5% of insolvency practitioners (“IPs”) said that they had a “comprehensive or practical/working or understanding” of crypto-currency. So with over 4,000 types of cryptocurrency now available and as payment technology continues to develop, we look at some issues facing IPs, including How to identify cryptocurrency How to … Continue Reading

HMRC, preferential treatment and insolvency – uncertain times for funders

This morning Squire Patton Boggs in conjunction with R3 hosted representatives from across the business community to discuss the proposed return of Crown preference in insolvency. Following the Government announcing in last Autumn’s Budget that HMRC’s preferential status will be restored in part in April 2020, Squire Patton Boggs together with R3 and representatives from … Continue Reading

When is a decision to declare an interim dividend a decision?

It is often common practice for small businesses to structure payments to a director (who is also a shareholder) through a combination of dividend payments and salary, in order to minimize PAYE liabilities and reduce tax.  Consequently, rather than be paid a salary, a director is “remunerated” by dividend payments.  This works when the company … Continue Reading

Government proposes legislation to enhance UK insolvency regime

On 26 August, the Government announced that it will be making changes to UK insolvency legislation. The changes are intended to support distressed companies and address issues highlighted by major company failures and include: the ability for all companies to apply for a moratorium a new insolvency process – the “restructuring plan”, enabling companies to cram … Continue Reading