Tag Archives: sanction

Three Arrows Capital Co-Founder Avoids Contempt and Sanctions in United States, But Bankruptcy Court Previews Worldwide Enforcement Options

On June 27, 2022, Three Arrows Capital (“3AC”), a crypto hedge fund, commenced liquidation proceedings in the British Virgin Islands and thereafter filed recognition proceedings in, among other countries, the United States and Singapore.  As we discussed earlier this year, on December 2, 2022, the bankruptcy court presiding over 3AC’s chapter 15 proceeding pending in … Continue Reading

(US) When Caught Violating The Stay, Forgiveness For Creditors Is Not Automatic

A recent order from the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York puts to test the theory that “it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”  After a lengthy dispute in the bankruptcy cases of Arcapita Bank B.S.C.(c) and its affiliates (the “Debtors”), the court held Bahrain Islamic Bank (“BisB”) … Continue Reading