Tag Archives: winding-up petition

Will the new UK legislation to manage COVID rent arrears help landlords and tenants and avoid an insolvency cliff edge?

There is a faint light at the end of the COVID tunnel for commercial landlords regarding timings and the ability to recover unpaid rent arrears.  The UK Government has announced an extension to the current prohibition on forfeiture and winding up petitions, to enable it to introduce new legislation to help manage the £6bn estimated … Continue Reading

The Coronavirus Test: Indirect ‘financial effect’ of coronavirus could be sufficient to defeat a winding up petition (UK)

Following the UK Government extending the restrictions on winding up petitions until 30 June 2021 it is useful to note two recent cases that have considered the coronavirus test that currently applies to winding up petitions. In the first case Newman v Templar Corp Ltd [2020] EWHC 3740 (Ch) heard before Christmas but only recently … Continue Reading

The New Insolvency Practice Direction – providing some much needed clarity for UK winding-up petitions?

The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (the “Act”) came into force on 26th June 2020. Alongside the Act, a new Insolvency Practice Direction (“IPD”) came into force and provides additional information in respect of winding petitions and the “coronavirus test”. This blog will look at a few of the key changes contained in the … Continue Reading

Arbitrate before you litigate!

Over the last seven months there has been a spate of cases dealing with the relationship between arbitration law and insolvency law. Winding-up petitions and arbitration clauses Where a winding-up petition has been presented on the basis of a contractual debt and the contract contains an arbitration clause, the Court should exercise its discretion to dismiss … Continue Reading