Tag Archives: Restructuring & Insolvency

Webinar Recording: What Happens After the Election? – What the Outcome of the Presidential and Senate Races Might Mean for the Economy, Key Industries and Municipalities

On Friday, October 16, 2020 we hosted a webinar along with the American Bankruptcy Institute, that featured a distinguished panel of professionals, including former Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner, former Congressman and Chairman of the Democratic Caucus Joseph Crowley, former Congressman Bill Shuster, former Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater, Karol Denniston … Continue Reading

Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Relief Funding & Reopening America – What Is Really Happening in Congress and What Are the Risks and Rewards of Resurrecting the US Economy?

On Thursday, May 21, 2020, the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) hosted a webinar, featuring a distinguished panel of professionals, including former Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner, as well as the current senior US Senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, who shared their thoughts on how best to safely and gradually re-open … Continue Reading

EU Commission Authorises State ‘Recapitalisation’ Measures To Support Failing Businesses Due To COVID-19

Last Friday (8 May 2020) the EU Commission issued a new communication setting out the conditions under which EU Member States can inject capital in companies in need (the “Recapitalisation Measures”). This announcement constitutes the 2nd Amendment to the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (which … Continue Reading